Expert Consulted: Adrian Gardiner. Over 30 years working in the IT industry, with experience building, repairing and cleaning computers has given me useful insight on a wide range of common issues and the ideal way to tackle them.
Exactly how to keep dust out of a Gaming PC has always been a hot topic of discussion.
Dust build up is a major problem for computers in general and not just for a gaming PC, causing computers to overheat, with reduced performance and the potential for various components to eventually fail.
This article addresses the dust problem in detail and provides a wide range of recommendations to help you tackle dust build up once and for all, helping maximise the performance and life of your PC.
How to Keep Dust Out of a Gaming PC
In order of general effectiveness, I’ve listed below a range of effective approaches that you can take to minimise the build up of dust on the surface of and inside your Gaming PC.
Step 1 – Location
Where you put your PC can have a huge impact on the build-up of dust in and around your PC so careful consideration here will have a real impact.

Keep your PC off the floor, at least 6 inches, and ideally place it on a desk.
Make sure there is plenty of space all around, especially keeping the vents on the PC clear (12″ minimum space all round).
This positioning will have the biggest impact on reducing dust and will greatly help air flow.
Avoid heat sources like radiators or panel heaters wherever possible.
Best not to make your computers cooling job even harder by locating your PC right next to a heater!
Either keep the computer away from open windows or just never open them and use air conditioning.
I have customers who live on busy streets with all the dust etc. thrown up by passing traffic – not good for your computer if the window is open.
Likewise, I also have customers who live out in the countryside and have issues with farm equipment tending to the fields, in particular harvest time with huge amounts of dust thrown up.
You might also be unlucky enough to get those annoying little black thunderbugs (known by many names but actually are a little bug called a Thrip) during harvest time that seem to get literally everywhere (even inside monitor screens!).
Make sure you have good seals on the windows and entrance door to your computer room before harvest!
I find hardwood floorings to be best and easiest to keep clean. Carpets can harbour all sorts of problems that end up circulating in the air so avoid if at all possible.
I would avoid some types of tiled floors (i.e., those with a slightly rough brick style finish) too as they can release dust over time as the tile surface breaks up.
Regularly (at least weekly) sweep / clean your floor to remove dust build up.
General Room Cleaning
Regularly (weekly) dust shelves, cabinets and any surface where dust can build up using a slightly damp microfiber cloth (a slightly damp cloth picks up the dust better and holds on to it).
Step 2 – Pets
We have a cat and it’s a nightmare keeping it away from computers with fur blocking up vents etc.
Pet fur and dander (dander are microscopic flecks of skin shed by pets with fur or feathers) is a big issue, remaining airborne for long periods of time and sticking to pretty much anything in the vicinity.
This is more of an issue if the computer is located on or near to the floor within range of a cat or dog wandering close by.
Cats can of course jump up on to a desk where you carefully located your precious computer so best your cats aren’t allowed in to the room in the first place!
Step 3 – Dandruff and Dry Skin
Try to resolve any dandruff issues you might have as dry, flaky skin will almost certainly find it’s way in to your computer. Moisturizing cream for dry skin can help too.
Step 4 – Smoking
If you smoke, whatever you do, try to only smoke outside. The tar from smoke is terrible for computers and coats everything inside your PC allowing dust to stick making cleaning extremely difficult.
In addition to the cleaning challenge, your PC will suffer greatly, with choked up fans and the potential for all sorts of overheating maladies.
It will also smell awful, particularly when running – my worst nightmare when asked to clean such a computer!
Step 5 – Computer Cooling
Try to ensure you have more fans taking air in than fans taking air out so that you can have a bit of positive pressure inside your computer case.
If this internal case pressure is slightly higher than the room around it there is a good chance that dust will make it’s way to other areas away from your PC tower.
A good example would be a couple of intake fans at the front and one exhaust fan at the back.
Step 6 – Air Purifier
Consider installing an Air Purifier to filter out the dust from the air. These devices don’t have to be expensive (there are many to choose from on Amazon for as little as $33) and are great for removing dust in the local vicinity of your computer.
As an added benefit, air purifiers are said to be good for your health too as they can help with allergies.
We had a large tower shaped air purifier for one of our children when he was young who suffered with various allergies and noticed the reduction in dust build up in the room after using the purifier.
Step 7 – PC Cleaning

Regularly carefully clean the exterior of your PC by using a very slightly damp microfiber cloth on the top, front and sides.
With an appropriate attachment, use a hoover gently on the rear of your PC tower and anywhere that you can see dust build up.
Related article: How long does a PC last?
If you have a nice gaming pc with a transparent side window to show off the amazing internals, the last thing you want so see is dust!
With the steps listed above you should be easily able to minimise any dust build up to manageable levels and hopefully not visible levels.
Careful positioning of your PC, away from pets, no smoking, an air purifier maybe and regular PC cleaning is all you need.